In the late 1980s, the renowned American jazz pianist, composer, and arranger John Hicks formed one of the most influential ensembles consisting out of musicians that had played music at the highest...
Hicks,John I Remember You CD1. Reflections 2. I Remember You 3. A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square 4. All of You 5. Solar 6. I Want to Talk About You 7. Everytime We Say Goodbye 8. Upper Manhattan...
2008 eight CD box set. Cherry Red Records marks it's 30th Anniversary in style with this lavish 185 track boxset. I'll Give You My Heart chronologically plots 61 single/EP a and B-sides from 1978 to...
Mitchell,Sarah You Give Me Something CD1. My Favourite Things 2. Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' 3. You Give Me Something 4. What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? 5. Shall We Dance? 6. I Love to...
Hicks,John John Hicks CD1. Pas de Trois (Dance for Three) 2. Steadfast 3. For John Chapman 4. Star-Crossed Lovers 5. Littlest One of All 6. After the Morning 7. That Ole Devil Called Love 8. Gypsy...