After an action-packed end to it's premiere season, Teen Wolf jumps full force into season two with even more suspenseful drama. Scott McCall, an ordinary teenager with a wild secret, continues to...
Teen Wolf is the hot, supernatural series that follows Scott McCall (Tyler Posey) - a high school student and social outcast that gains supernatural abilities after being bitten by a werewolf!
Scott Howard endures the life of an unpopular, struggling athlete and high school student until his hair begins to grow. Suffering with a freak family condition that also plagues his father, he turns...
The 1985 Michael J. Fox flick gets a "Twilight"-esque makeover with this supernatural drama series that debuted on MTV in 2011. After being bitten by a werewolf, high school outcast Scott McCall...
Reeling from crushing losses, Scott struggles to put his pack back together while the Dread Doctors' final creation, a creature known as The Beast, terrorizes Beacon Hills.