Following a car accident, Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) wakes up in an underground bunker owned by the mysterious Howard (John Goodman) who informs her that the world has suffered an unknown...
A normal evening in Manhattan becomes a fight for survival when a gigantic, horrific monster of unknown origin begins decimating the city. Surrounded by panic and fear, a young man leads a small...
A young woman wakes up after a terrible accident to find that she's locked in a cellar with a doomsday prepper, who insists that he saved her life and that the world outside is uninhabitable...
A young woman wakes up after a terrible accident to find that she's locked in a cellar with a doomsday prepper, who insists that he saved her life and that the world outside is uninhabitable...
A normal evening in Manhattan becomes a fight for survival when a gigantic, horrific monster of unknown origin begins decimating the city. Surrounded by panic and fear, a young man leads a small...