In this ensemble comedy, 10 YEARS follows a group of friends on the night of their high school reunion who, still haven't grown up. Channing Tatum is Jake: deeply in love with his girlfriend (Jenna Dewan-Tatum) and ready to propose until he runs into his high school flame (Rosario Dawson). Jakes friend Cully (played by funnyman Chris Pratt), married his cheerleader girlfriend (Ari Graynor), and has been looking forward to the reunion so he can finally apologize to all the classmates he bullied. Longtime rivals Marty (Justin Long) and Garrity (Brian Geraghty) pick up right where they left off, vying to impress the hottest girl in class (Lynn Collins). Reeves (Oscar Isaac) graduated a band geek, became a rock star, and knows tonight is his chance to finally talk to the secret crush (Kate Mara).
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