Director Michael Bay tells the harrowing true story of the September 11, 2012 assault on a U.S. diplomatic installation in Benghazi, Libya, and the men who put their lives on the line to defend it...
Experience urban paranoia to the nth degree in this dark comedy directed by Martin Scorsese. Griffin Dunne stars as bored yuppie Paul Hackett, whose chance encounter with the beautiful Marcy Franklin...
It started out as a "routine" trip to the moon in 1970, but it became a desperate race against time that had an entire world holding it's breath. Astronauts Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks), Fred Haise (Bill...
Hour Of 13 Hour Of 13 CD1. Call to Satan 2. Submissive to Evil 3. The Correlation 4. Endurement to the Heirs of Shame 5. Grim Reality 6. Hex of Harm 7. Allowance of Sin 8. Missing Girl