Steve Martin, Dan Aykroyd, Phil Hartman. The bumbling Bilko must whip his pathetic group of soldiers into shape when his Army base is slated for shutdown. An outrageous comedy based on the TV series...
Damon Wayans, Karyn Parsons. In this comic spoof of military flicks, a hard-bitten Army major is assigned to shape up a sloppy group of ROTC trainees in preparation for a competition. 1995/color/98...
CONEHEADS: The story concerns Beldar (Dan Aykroyd) and Prymaat (Jane Curtin), who leave the planet Remulak to prepare for an invasion of Planet Earth. But due to a malfunction, they find themselves...
Includes TOM AND JERRY: THE MOVIE, TOM AND JERRY BLAST OFF TO MARS and THE FAST AND THE FURRY. In a magical, music-filled extravaganza! The celebrated cat-and-mouse team meets Robyn Starling, a...