Four-disc set includes: The Fast And The Furious (2001)The first in the record-breaking franchise, this high-energy actioner stars Paul Walker as Brian O'Conner, an undercover LAPD cop who works his...
With the magnificent sets of the Quartier Latin in Giancarlo del Monaco's La Boheme as a backdrop, the Teatro Real presents an invigorating Latin Jazz cross-pollination, featuring some of the world's...
On the tenth anniversary of Saverio Crispo's death, his daughters get together in the family manor in southern Italy. When Saverio was at the height of his career as a film star, his liaisons with...
This film by Anthony Azzopardi brings you the pulsating spectrum of Latin American music including salsa, merengue, cumbia, Brazillian jazz, samba, tango, canto nuevo, and indigenous folk music from...
Lana Turner is swept off her feet to a Latin beat in this frothy musical comedy costarring Ricardo Montalban and directed by Mervyn LeRoy. Blonde, beautiful and fabulously rich, American heiress Nora...