Singapore in the early 1950s, this impressive adaptation of Leslie Thomas' best-selling, scandalous novel centres on a group of na?ve, young British Army recruits billeted to Malaya who have no...
Set in the small, tribal village of Yakel on the Vanuatu island of Tanna, this is the remarkable story of 108-year-old Chief Kowia as he nears the end of his long, eventful life. As he faces his...
As Guy (Gael Garc?a Bernal) and Prisca (Vicky Krieps) treated their three young kids to a tropical vacation, they opted for a day enjoying a beautiful seaside cove. However, they and the beach's...
Writer/director Sofia Coppola's acclaimed debut feature, based on Jeffrey Eugenides' novel, traces the tragic ends of the five beautiful teenage Lisbon sisters in a '70s Michigan suburb. Through...