This Oscar-nominated documentary, narrated by the legendary Princess Grace of Monaco, tells the story of Russia's famous ballet academy, the Kirov School, that produced some of the greatest dancers...
This documentary is about the life and struggle of an urban youth in the streets of Oakland. Trying to become a man in the streets at a time when money, dope and sex rule. This documentary shows the...
This 2009 DVD contains live vintage performances from Motown's greatest stars, including Marvin Gaye, the Supremes, the Four Tops, the Temptations, Smokey Robinson & the Miracles, Stevie Wonder,...
This DVD compendium features all things Bongo including material by Fatboy Slim, I've Mendes, Paula Lima, Tejo, Black Alien & Speed, Banda Black Rio, Stereo Maracana, Juan Pablo Torres, and...