To experience the grisly goings' on of Wicked. Wicked, your right eye has to know what your left eye is doing! Filmed in a split screen process dubbed Duo-vision. This guilty pleasure follows a...
Eden Burning follows the charismatic Devlin (York), a recently released criminal hell bent on revenging the prison governor's harsh regime by seeking out and corrupting his youngest daughter Evelyn...
Four weekend campers witness an execution in the woods by the local sheriff and his deputies. The campers attempt to flee, but the deputies seal off the mountain, and the sheriff gets an armed...
John Steinbeck's EAST OF EDEN opens in New England, depicting Adam and Charles Trask, two brothers whose lives are set in opposition to each other by their domineering father, Cyrus. Into the...
A man wakes up deep inside a cave. Suffering amnesia, he has no recollection of how he came to be here. Tailed by a mysterious creature, he must continue through this strange and fantastic world to...