Hilarious campus comedy about an underachiever (Justin Long) who, after being rejected by every college he applied to, cooks up an acceptance letter from a fake school in an effort to trick his...
Privileged Dublin housewife Sarah Manning (Elaine Cassidy) was stunned to learn that her big-pharma marketer husband Lee (Paul Popowich)-abroad on business in Montreal-had been found dead. As the...
Blu-ray + two CDs. 2017 live release from the German metal icon recorded in December 2016 in Brno, Czech Republic. The singer with the charismatic voice had his musical breakthrough with Accept in...
NCD Detective Sergeant Nancy Devlin (Karla Chrome) knew she was taking her career in her hands with her willful blind eye toward the dodgy activities of an old family friend, corrupt businessman...
BAFTA nominee Adrian Dunbar (Line of Duty) is "chilling" (Irish Examiner) in this "gripping... intense psychological drama" (Irish Mirror) about the lies that can fracture a family. Loner Cat Hogan...