The Budapest Trio was founded in 1980 by the Hungarian Ferenc Kiss, leader of the State Philharmonic of Rhineland-Palatinate, and soon gained international renowned. The violinist's partners, violist...
Haydn Trio Eisenstadt Dedicated To Haydn: 18 Piano Trios CD1. ?Und Licht? 2. The Night Will Not Draw on 3. Piano Trio, Op. 59 4. Piano Trio No. 2, DWV 52 5. No. 1. Inyanga 6. No. 2. Intsomi 7. Hekkan...
Bilk,Acker Vintage Acker Bilk CD1. All the Girls Go Crazy 2. East Coast Trot 3. Franklin Street Blues 4. Over the Rainbow 5. Salutation March 6. Travelling Blues 7. Breeze 8. The Old Rugged Cross 9...