Two titans of movie muscledom, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren, team up in this sci-fi actioner. Killed while serving in Vietnam, Luc Deveraux (Van Damme) Andrew Scott (Lundgren) are brought...
Before Mike (voiced by Billy Crystal) and Sully (John Goodman) became best workplace buds, they had to first pass monstrous muster at good ol' MU-that's Monsters University! In this charming animated...
Miles Morales returns for the next chapter of the OscarĀ½-winning Spider-Verse saga, (2018, Best Animated Feature Film), Spider-Man?: Across the Spider-Verse. After reuniting with Gwen Stacy,...
All-Region UHD two-pack joins Across The Spider-Verse & Into The Spider-verse in one web-slinging package! Miles Morales catapults across the Multiverse, where he encounters a team of...
This edition features a bonus CD filled with more music from the movie.1. Girl / Jim Sturgess 1:04 2. Hold Me Tight / Evan Rachel Wood 2:36 3. All My Loving / Jim Sturgess 2:27 4. I Want to Hold Your...