Join Sonic (voiced by Family Matters' Jaleel White) and his siblings Sonia and Manic as they fight to be reunited with their long-lost mother Queen Aleena. When they aren't battling Dr. Robotnik and...
Wherever he goes and whatever he's up against Sonic the Hedgehog is aided by his sidekick, Tails, and his friends Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks and, of course, attacked by his arch nemesis - Dr. Eggman.
Sonic Boom: Season One, Volume One With Sonic and Eggman Figures - It s a Sonic you haven t seen before an ensemble comedy that pokes fun at action-adventure storytelling, but still manages to...
Sonic Boom: Season One, Volume One - It's a Sonic you haven't seen before - an ensemble comedy that pokes fun at action-adventure storytelling, but still manages to deliver plenty of adrenaline!...
Wherever he goes and whatever he's up against Sonic the Hedgehog is aided by his sidekick, Tails, and his friends Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks and, of course, attacked by his arch nemesis - Dr. Eggman.