Two of the bloodiest, best-selling and critically acclaimed anime of all time in one supreme collection. Afro Samurai. A relentless brother wielding an ice cold soul and a Jones for revenge. His path...
Afro Samurai (voiced by Academy Award nominated Samuel L. Jackson) is an epic tale of a black samurai's hunt for Justice (voiced by Ron Perlman: Hellboy, Alien Resurrection) who murdered his father...
In this ultimate "meta movie", Herbert Blount (Penn Jillette) is a crowdfunding contributor for the new Adam Rifkin feature KNOCKED OFF. Unhappy with the film, he steals the footage and kidnaps...
Back in 2003, Tiesto was the first DJ to hold a solo concert in a stadium. On May 10th he performed for 25,000 people in Arnhem Netherland' s GelreDome. Originally shot in High Definition, but never...