When someone murders Duffy (Jeneta St. Clair), a stripper at the Candy Cat Club, her sister Constance (Catherine Annette), a TV News Reporter, goes undercover to discover the killer's identity and...
An entertaining crime drama notable for an early appearance of Humphrey Bogart as a doomed gangster. In a sensational trail Ethel Saxon is sentenced to death for the murder of her lover, the...
Walkin' After Midnight / Various Walkin' After Midnight / Various CD1. Walking After Midnight 2. Making Believe 3. I'll Love You More 4. Set Him Free 5. Tears Will Be a Chaser for Your Wine 6. Just...
When two bus crash survivors awake to discover they are the only people left in their small town, they must work together in a race to unravel the truth behind their isolation. As terrifying events...
Born with a rare genetic disorder that renders any exposure to sunlight toxic, 17-year-old Katie Price (Bella Thorne) only knew escape from the confines of her house after nightfall. It was on one of...