Vinyl LP pressing. Penelope is the second installment from the AG & John Robinson EP series produced by Ray West. This time around they call on the prolific West Coast wordsmith Blu on the title...
Ray West invites Blu, OC, AG and Dave Dar on this anachronistic disc, a kind of poetical and cinematograph world where time seems to stand still. Ray West drives the point home and leaves the gloomy...
Strictly limited edition of 300 copies on vinyl. Ray West & AG do it again, this time with cameos by Sadat X, L-Fudge, Dooley O, Nelson Dialect, Moonshine and O.C. of D.I.T.C. fame. Tip!...
Ray West arranges another full length project reminiscent of past projects like LUVNY by pairing MCs over his signature production style which was first introduced to the scene in 2010 with AG's LP...
AG of DITC & John Robinson have been recording with producer Ray West for the better part of the past 4 years. Originally planning on recording a single LP, their chemistry and body of work grew...