After a five year hiatus, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones reunited in December 2007. Dicky Barrett, Joe Gittleman, Ben Carr, Joe Sirois, Tim Burton, Roman Fleysher, Chris Rhodes and Lawrence Katz are...
Vinyl LP pressing. Gothenburg, Sweden based sextet Agent Bla? (Swedish for Agent blue), is releasing their sophomore album Morning Thoughts out May 10th, 2019 on Kanine Records. Formed while they...
The 1979 album Bl? Vardag by Atlas is in every way indispensable when looking at the progressive music history of Sweden. Their sole debut album is combining the almost Zamla -esque playfulness while...
L-KAN has been one of those bands that spread so quickly through word of mouth among all those fans of the toughest and most iconic techno-pop. Their four discs, in addition to that collaboration...