Akeelah Anderson is a precocious eleven-year-old girl who enters various spelling contests with support of her tutor and principal, but against her mother's wishes. Director Doug Atchison Starring...
An attack on a Brazilian research apiary leads to swarms of South American killer bees on the loose in the United States, where no one-from marchers at the Pasadena Rose Parade to the U.N. General...
Blu-ray. First there was The Birds. Now there's The Deadly Bees. Something terrifying is taking place on Seagull Island. When pop singer Vicki Robbins (Suzanna Leigh, Lust For A Vampire) arrives at...
Freshly hatched bee Maya is a little whirlwind and simply won't follow the rules of the hive. One of these rules, of course, is not to trust other bugs, especially the hornets that live beyond the...