Four-disc set includes: Aladdin (1992)Follow the heroic beggar boy, Aladdin, who finds a magic lamp and calls on it's wacky blue genie (voiced by Robin Williams) to help him win the hand of Princess...
Disney's musical, magical 1992 Arabian Nights adaptation got a just-as-crowdpleasing live-action rendition, as the poor but resourceful street thief Aladdin (Mena Massoud) may find a way out of his...
Aladdin is recruited to steal a magic lamp. But when he uses it's powers to help him win the heart of the newly appointed Sultana; it opens up a whole new world of excitement and danger.
A peasant and thief finds a magical lamp deep in the desert. Upon rubbing the lamp, the peasant releases a talkative genie who is bound to grant him three wishes. The peasant wishes for the life of...