Set in the exotic surroundings of the Ottoman Empire and with a narrative encompassing abduction, murder and shipwreck, LeCorsaire is a swashbuckling pirate drama that delights for it's spectacular...
It's the high seas and adventure in this film based on the Prohibition Era novel, Corsair: A Pirate in White Flannels. When Wall Street broker John Hawks (Chester Morris) has enough of the cutthroat...
With it's narrative of buccaneering bravado, exotic opulence, romance and traitorous intrigue, Le Corsaire is one of the most impressive narrative ballets of the 19th century, and it remains one of...
Gavin Sutherland. Set in the exotica of the Ottoman Empire, this swashbuckling pirate drama tells the tale of abduction and murder on a shipwreck. Performed by the English National ballet, it's a...
After suspecting that their police officer neighbor is a serial killer, a group of teenage friends spend their summer spying on him and gathering evidence, but as they get closer to discovering the...