In the second season of the Amazing Race, eleven teams featuring a cast of twins, a mother & daughter duo, siblings, grandmothers, pastors, and childhood friends are thrown into a global race. The race travels 52,000 miles in 28 days, spanning 5 continents and 8 different countries. The new countries are Brazil, Namibia, Australia and New Zealand. Each of the teams tackle extreme odds and intense obstacles that include wearing a mask into a cave full of bats to retrieve their next clue, climbing 268 steps to the Tian Tan Buddha, searching for painted pineapples in a large field, rowing a dragon boat made for twelve and bungee jumping 450 feet to the bottom of a canyon. Watch as the teams race around the world, see who is eliminated and finally the team that wins the 1 million dollar grand prize in this 5-disc collection.
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