Michael Dudikoff is back in action as Joe Armstrong in American Ninja 2: The Confrontation, the sequel to the highly successful martial arts extravaganza American Ninja. Joining Joe is Curtis Jackson...
AMERICAN NINJA 4: THE ANNIHILATION - Blu-ray - American Ninja 4: The Annihilation is a 1990 action/martial arts film starring Michael Dudikoff, David Bradley, and James Booth. It was the fourth film...
American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt is a 1989 martial arts action movie starring David Bradley, written by Gary Conway and directed by Cedric Sundstrom. Jackson is back, and now he has a new partner, karate...
1986: John Hunter is a Vietnam veteran, half commando, half ninja, 100% American. He is forced back into action when his young daughter is kidnapped by a secret ninja organization, led by a Central...