This family drama features the riotous exploits of a lovable seal who befriends a family of animal lovers living in Rockport Maine. The father in this family is Harry Whitney, the harbor master with...
From HBO Sports, WWE, JMH Films and Ringer Films comes Andre The Giant, a documentary examining the life and career of one of the most beloved legends in WWE history. The ambitious, wide-ranging film...
In Louis Malle's captivating and philosophical My Dinner with Andre, actor and playwright Wallace Shawn sits down with friend and theater director Andre Gregory at an Manhattan restaurant, and the...
Andr? Leon Talley has been a fixture in the world of fashion for so long that it's difficult to imagine a time when he wasn't defining the boundaries of great style. Kate Novack's intimate portrait,...
Christopher Nupen Films re-releases the two best films ever made, highlighting Andres Segovia - one of the greatest performing musicians of the twentieth century.