This atmospheric and harrowing British drama features an acclaimed performance from Edith Evans as a poverty-stricken elderly woman living alone in a rundown apartment. As she struggles with mental...
In this sizzling suspenser, Manhattan psychiatrist Dr. Ann Hecker (Annabella Sciorra) becomes enthralled by the sexual fantasies of patient Eve Abergray (Deborah Kara Unger). But when Dr. Hecker...
Molly Stewart (Donna Wilkes, Jaws 2) is at the top of her class at the prestigious private high school she attends. But what her classmates and teachers don't know is that Molly survives by working...
Anime auteur Hayao Miyazaki scripted and produced this adaptation of a popular girls' comic series. When teenage schoolgirl Shizuku discovers the books she borrowed from the library were all...
This striking live-action, same-named sequel to the 1995 Hayao Miyazaki anime classic picks up with the romance of Shizuku Tsukishima (Nana Seino) and Seiji Amasawa (Tori Matsuzaka) 10 years later,...