You've seen her destroy lives. Now, the fear-makers behind The Conjuring dare you to experience the terrifying story of how she was created. Several years after the tragic death of their young...
Set after the opening scenes of "The Conjuring," this chilling series installment finds demonologists Ed (Patrick Wilson) and Lorraine Warren (Vera Farmiga) locking deadly doll Annabelle up in their...
THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEYTM Follow Bilbo Baggins, who - along with the Wizard Gandalf and 13 Dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield - is swept into an epic and treacherous quest to reclaim the...
?2017 marked the 450th anniversary of the birth of Claudio Monteverdi - one of the founders of opera and hailed in his day as 'the creator of modern music'. Monteverdi transformed vocal music beyond...
Three-disc set includes: It's Alive (1974) Look out! A fanged mutant baby is on the loose! He's killed all the doctors in the delivery room! He got to the milkman too (but first raided his truck!). A...