Segi,Takamasa Daichi No Lagoon CD1. Japanese Title 2. Japanese Title 3. Japanese Title 4. Natural 5. Your Life Is My Life 6. Barco 7. Japanese Title 8. Oracion 9. Japanese Title 10. Aqua 11. 18 12...
World Party's brilliant 1987 debut, PRIVATE REVOLUTION, that features the top 40 hit "Ship of Fools" has now been remastered with enhanced packaging and links to their website for bonus music and...
Segi,Takamasa Safari Ni Iko: Daichi No Lagoon CD1. Japanese Title 2. Japanese Title 3. Japanese Title 4. Natural 5. Your Life Is My Life 6. Barco 7. Japanese Title 8. Oracion 9. Japanese Title 10...
Aoki,Karen Tranquility CD1. Kiss Me 2. Dreams 3. She 4. Calling You 5. One Note Samba 6. The Crying Game 7. Blue Velvet 8. Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head 9. Shape of My Heart 10. Corcovado 11. One...