1980's AOR pop compilation. Includes tracks from Marty Balin, Air Supply, Rupert Holmes, & more.1. Japanese Title 2. Japanese Title 3. Japanese Title 4. Japanese Title 5. Japanese Title 6...
Paul Sabu is a rock legend. For over 30 years he has done it all, from singer and songwriter to coveted guitarist, producer, and recording engineer. He has created smash hits, chart-topping albums,...
Fr?d?ric Slama is well known for all his AOR / Melodic Rock albums but also for his smooth Westcoast sound that you can mostly find on his 6 first albums. So it was time to gather together a unique...
Best Of Chanticleer / Var Best Of Chanticleer / Var CD1. Deus, Deus Meus, Respice in Me (Andrea Gabrieli) 2. Agnus Dei (Michael McGlynn) 3. Alfonso X of Castille / Arr Jennings : Cantigas de Santa...