The outrageous "Evil Dead" series continues as cynical, chainsaw-handed department store clerk Ash (Bruce Campbell) and his '73 Oldsmobile land in medieval England, where he battles pit-dwelling...
Collector's edition Blu-ray includes Medieval Times: The Making Of "Army Of Darkness" Featuring Interviews With Star & Co-Producer Bruce Campbell, Actors Marcus Gilbert, Ted Raimi, Timothy Quill,...
A genius programmer's mysterious disappearance leads to the reunion of old friends and the discovery that the strange stories she left behind may point to an impending technological crisis. Emmy...
Master of horror John Carpenter (HALLOWEEN, THE THING) directs this terrifying battle between mankind and the ultimate evil. A group of graduate students and scientists uncover an ancient canister in...
The story of the most successful dynasty in sports history, the Red Army hockey team of the Soviet Union, is documented. The team's captain, Slava Fetisov, chronicles his transformation from national...