The songs of Korean composer Young Jo Lee, chosen by singer Yoora Lee-Hoff for her Genuin debut, seem like enchanting ink drawings from the Far East. The fabulous coloratura soprano, accompanied by...
The title of Yuko Inoue's debut album says it all. The sound of the fortepiano draws us 200 years back - to a time when composers developed a new musical language in parallel with the evolution of...
Alan Shavarsh Bardezbanian was the unparalleled master of the oud, the Middle Eastern lute. Here he showcases many styles of oud playing, with fourteen folk songs and original compositions from his...
Lars Bj?rling writes of his new release: "When my Father Jussi was chosen as the 20th century's leading male opera singer by English music critics at the turn of the century, we felt great joy and...