Clara Ingese was twenty when she discovered the multi-facetted personality of Ophelia who breathes a special energy into her desire to sing. Today she imagines through an album, from the 19th musical...
After 2018's critically acclaimed Almost opened The Ophelias to a world beyond their Cincinnati home, the indie rock quartet craved a return to a sense of community. The band members no longer lived...
Ophelias Almost CD1. Fog 2. General Electric 3. Lover's Creep 4. Night Signs 5. O Command 6. Lunar Rover 7. Bird 8. House 9. Zero 10. Moon Like Sour Candy
After a brilliant career with 10,000 Maniacs, Natalie Merchant made a dramatic statement of independence with her triple platinum 1995 solo debut, Tigerlily. In contrast to Tigerlily's stark...