In this unrelenting action masterpiece from director John Carpenter (Halloween Escape from New York) a police station under siege from a vicious street gang becomes a cataclysmic battleground where...
Ethan Hawke and Laurence Fishburne lead an explosive, all-star cast, including John Leguizamo Ja Rule and Drea de Matteo, in the gripping, action-packed thriller, Assault on Precinct 13. Direction:...
In a small Oklahoma community, the ties between four families could've been described as live and let live at best. One fateful day, however, they were given less than a quarter of an hour to get...
Cult director Takashi Mike (ICHI THE KILLER, AUDITION) delivers a bravado period action film set at the end of Japan's feudal era in which a group of unemployed samurai are enlisted to bring down a...
Two years have passed since elite police officer Damien Tomasso teamed up with reformed vigilante Leito to save the notorious District 13, a racially charged ghetto populated by violent drug dealing...