In a future where science fiction is reality, Dr. Boynton creates a super-robot in his deceased son's image. Named Astro Boy, the robot can swim oceans, leap over mountains and even fly into space -...
Blast off with Astro Boy, the thrilling tale of a true hero! In futuristic Metro City, scientist Tenma (voiced by Nicolas Cage) creates an amazing robot boy with hidden talents unlike anything you've...
Recently divorced Lucy Emerson (Dianne Wiest) and her teenage sons Michael (Jason Patric) and Sam (Corey Haim) move to a small California town where Michael is befriended by a gang of vampires. Can...
In a future where science fiction is reality, Dr. Boynton in a future where science fiction is reality, Dr. Boynton creates a super-robot in his deceased son's image. Named Astro Boy, the robot can...
In the early years of the Republic, China has been plunged into chaos as feuding warlords battle to expand their power and their lands. Young army leader Hou Chieh (Andy Lau) and his sworn brother...