Dan Aykroyd, Mary Ann McDonald, George Murray. True love reigns supreme when a beautiful woman and a misanthropic blind man fall in love, defying their families and society. Directed by Rex Bromfield...
David Strathairn-an Oscar nominee for GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK-turns his considerable acting talent to this indie drama. Strathairn plays Finn, a man who trades his duties as an English teacher for...
In his directorial debut, Charles Ferguson explores the reasons behind the chaos of the war in Iraq. NO END IN SIGHT features interviews with U.S. soldiers, Iraqis, and experts on the issue,...
Four-time Emmy Award-winner John Larroquette (The John Larroquette Show, Richie Rich) and Bronson Pinchot (Perfect Strangers, The First Wives Club) star as a private investigator and a super-psychic...
Beautiful 24-year-old Ya'ara is independent confident and starting work on a Ph.D. at Princeton University. She's also blind. But when she learns of her cousin's sudden suicide she returns to Israel...