Attack on Titan (Shinji higuchi's original motion picture soundtrack) by Shiro Sagisu Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin) is a 2015 Japanese post-apocalyptic action film based on the manga of the...
Eren Jaeger's battle against the Titans rages on! After fighting the Female Titan, he has no time to rest as a hoard approaches Wall Rose. With his ferocious abilities and a new plan, Eren and his...
Eren Jaeger vowed to rid mankind of the bloodthirsty giants who devoured his mother and destroyed his city. Now, after discovering that he has the ability to turn into a Titan, the world Eren...
When the man-eating giants called Titans first appeared, humans retreated behind massive walls. After a hundred years of safety, a colossal-sized Titan smashes through the defenses, unleashing a...