In 1968, France was facing profound social change, and groundbreaking filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard (Louis Garrel) was embarking on an affair with his "La Chinoise" leading lady, the teenaged Anne...
A cornerstone of the French New Wave, the first feature from Alain Resnais (Last Year at Marienbad) is one of the most influential films of all time. A French actress (Amour's Emmanuelle Riva) and a...
Au revoir les enfants tells a heartbreaking story of friendship and devastating loss between two boys living in Nazi-occupied France. At a provincial Catholic boarding school, the precocious youths...
In the mid-nineties, while living in Mexico, the U.S. journalist, Leam Gaertner, and a British activist by the name of Fiona had two sons: Nico and Sebastian. Political threats prompted their...