One man rekindles his passion for life with the help of an alluring French neighbor and an inquisitive young girl. Jack (Bob Hoskins, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Mona Lisa) faces a time of loss and...
Ruby's Easter Bonnet Max's Easter Parade Max and the Easter Bunny Ruby makes her spring Easter Bonnet while Max teaches a froggy friend to "spring" Ruby wants Max's help making an Easter basket, but...
How do you make your way in the world - & even in your own house - when your big sister knows just the 'right way' to do everything? Just ask Max, a 3 year old bunny with tons of determination...
Ruby's Lemonade Stand - Ruby's Rummage Sale - Ruby's Magic Act Max figures out how to get delicious lemonade at Ruby and Louise's lemonade stand., Max and Ruby don't agree on what to sell and what to...