Winner of the Lion of the Future Award for best Debut Feature at the Venice Film Festival, You Will Die At Twenty is visually sumptuous "coming-of-death" fable. During her son's naming ceremony, a...
A young convict, Johnny Coulter, serving as a trustee and with only a year remaining on his sentence, is forced to participate in a prison break by one of the hardened criminals. They separate after...
Gary and his friends are into gaming, renaissance fairs and various unsavory vices. They stumble across a medieval board game that slowly consumes them, seducing them to believe they are "The Golden...
Life isn't fair and nothing makes sense in the real world today, so when people snap who's to blame' The cruel world outside or those that have done unspeakable things to innocent people making them...
I LOVE YOU TO DEATH (1990 Rated R 97 Minutes): Academy Award Winner Kevin Kline (1988 Best Actor in a Supporting Role-A Fish Called Wanda) Tracey Ullman Academy Award Winner William Hurt (1985 Best...