Renowned Japanese American violinist Midori follows up her Onyx Classics debut with a recording of Bach's Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin. These works have long been considered the Mount Everest...
Bach,J.S. / Seiler,Midori Violin Sonatas CD1. I. Adagio 2. II. Fuga: Allegro 3. III. Siciliana 4. IV. Presto 5. I. Grave 6. II. Fuga 7. III. Andante 8. IV. Allegro 9. I. Adagio 10. II. Fuga 11. III...
The album recital of Korean pianist Jaeyeon Won covers a period of more than two hundred years. It is international in it's scope and at the same time features the most diverse genres and styles. The...