Screen legend Debbie Reynolds stars in the unforgettable comedy, Tammy and the Bachelor. Tammy (Reynolds) is a naive, backwoods riverboat girl who longs to see the world. Along with her rascally...
For drifter Johnny Rutledge (William Holden), nothing satisfies like his favorite pastime... fishing. Yet, after the shady medicine show he is working for is put out of business with the arrest of...
Confronted by the I.R.S. for back taxes, the Bachelor must write another book to raise cash. He moves out of the city to research a book on life in the suburbs. Lonely Paradise Cove housewives plus...
Welcome home, Tony, Geoffrey and Maria - to a home and father you never knew. Ex-playboy Sir Basil Winterton has located the now-grown children he sired out of wedlock by different women and invited...