Fleeing her troubled recent past, Greta (Lauen Cohan) heads across the Atlantic to take a nanny's position at an isolated British mansion. Upon meeting her middle-aged employers (Jim Norton, Diana...
A showbiz partner often thinks his sidekick is a pain in the neck. Lewis and Clark have lower anatomical opinions of each other. In writer Neil Simon's warm stage-to-screen adaptation, Walter Matthau...
BETRAYED. BY MISLED AMBITION. RECLAIMED BY A MUSICIAN'S HEART! Newcomer William Holden became an overnight sensation in the role of a young violinist who turns to boxing and finds himself torn...
From director Clint Eastwood comes the story of four young men from the wrong side of the tracks in New Jersey who came together to form the iconic '60s rock group Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons...