On Stage Tonight: Baldry's Out! Nicely rectifies a 30-year oversight: the gentleman has never previously released a live recording. Captured in Germany, the disc blends the strongest tracks from...
The best Baldy album most fans have never heard. Thanks to being on an indie label in the UK and Casablanca (Kiss and disco label) n the US meant that the album received little promotion and...
Produced in Vancouver, Baldry releases this tribute album to Huddie Ledbetter, better known asLeadbelly. Album includes interviews with Baldry and Alan Lomax both discussing how and whythey were...
It Ain't Easy is Long John Baldry's landmark recording from 1971, marking Baldry's debut in North America, selling over 100,000 copies of the LP version. Produced by Elton John & Rod Stewart...
* Everything Stops for Tea is Long John Baldry's 1972 follow-up to his essential hit record It Ain't Easy (also being reissued on April 24). * Once again, produced by Elton John & Rod Stewart,...