Ball Park Music Museum CD1. Fence Sitter 2. Surrender 3. Coming Down 4. Bad Taste Blues (Part I) 5. Bad Taste Blues (Part II) 6. Cry with One Eye 7. Great Display of Patience 8. High Court 9. Pot of...
Ball Park Music Puddinghead CD1. She Only Loves Me When I'm There 2. Next Life Already 3. A Good Life Is the Best Revenge 4. Teenager Pie 5. Trippin' the Light Fantastic 6. Cocaine Lion 7. Everything...
Music For Every Occasion Music For Every Occasion CD1. Happy Birthday to You 2. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow 3. Why Was He Born So Beautiful 4. I'm Twenty One Today 5. Bridal Chorus 6. Wedding March...
1. How Can I Get By 2. If You Come Over Tonight 3. Losing My Mind 4. Furthest from the Tree 5. She'll Never Know 6. The Rail [Drug Version] [Version] 7. Equal Parts 8. Ticket for An Airplane 9. Hotel...