Stanford / Ely Cathedral Choir Stanford Canticles CD1. Te Deum in C 2. Jubilate in C 3. Magnificat in a 4. Benidicite in G 5. Magnificat in B Flat 6. Nunc Dimittis in B Flat 7. Lamentation 8. Nunc...
Band Of Band Of Hm Royal Marines,Plymouth Passing In CD1. A Life on the Ocean Wave 2. Markers' Call/Divisions's Call 3. On the Quarterdeck 4. Heart of Oak 5. The Thunderbirds 6. Rule Britannia 7...
Band Of Hm Royal Marines,Portsmouth Songs Of The Sea CD1. Songs of the Sea, Op.91 - Drake's Drum 2. Songs of the Sea, Op.91 - Outward Bound 3. Songs of the Sea, Op.91 - Devon, O Devon, in Wind ; Rain...