In this fantastic voyage through time and space from Terry Gilliam, a boy named Kevin (Craig Warnock) escapes his gadget-obsessed parents to join a band of time-traveling dwarfs. Armed with a map...
Barry Levinson (Rain Man) mines cinematic gold in Bandits, starring Cate Blanchett, Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton. Evoking memories of another silver screen trio Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy and...
As nervy as it is hilarious, this screwball masterpiece from Ernst Lubitsch (TROUBLE IN PARADISE) stars Jack Benny (THE JACK BENNY PROGRAM) and, in her final screen appearance, Carole Lombard (MY MAN...
Jump in and buckle up for a wild ride in the fast lane of laughter as Burt Reynolds and Sally Field team up again to take on Jackie Gleason in this sequel to one of the top action-adventure comedies...
The good ol boys of high speed hi-jinks are back in their third and final Smokey and the Bandit adventure. Starring Jackie Gleason, Paul Williams, Jerry Reed and Pat McCormick reprising their...