The soundtrack to the 2006 film Casino Royale was composed by David Arnold and is Arnold's fourth soundtrack for the popular James Bond movie series. Frequent collaborator Nicholas Dodd orchestrated...
Composer David Arnold's soundtrack to the highly anticipated TV adaptation of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's 1990 comic fable makes it's debut on vinyl. Amazon Prime's six episode mini-series...
1. Perfect Darkness 2. Fear Is Like Fire 3. Yesterday Was Hard on All of Us 4. Honesty 5. Wheels 6. Warm Shadow 7. Save It for Somebody 8. Who Says 9. Foot in the Door 10. Berlin Sunshine
Vinyl LP pressing. Hi-Tide presents the debut LP from the world's premier surfing combo! Welcome to The Surfrajettes rock n' roll palace - make sure to grab a sweet treat from the snack bar, and...