Released in 1994, 'Hex' is routinely hailed as one of Post-Rock's greatest albums. Although band leader and singer Graham Sutton was known as a huge Talk Talk fan, which is likely the first thing you think of right away during the first spin of 'Hex'. Bark Psychosis' debut remains a spellbinding listen, weaving ambient, dub, electronica, psychedelia, and even jazz into a musical experience. The album opens with "The Loom", a modular piece where a sweet, melancholy piano refrain, curled by purring strings, eases into an elusively gorgeous melody. There's bittersweet beauty in songs like "A Street Scene" and "Eyes & Smiles." The album ends with "Pendulum Man", almost 10 minutes of ambience.
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1. The Loom 2. A Street Scene 3. Absent Friend 4. Big Shot 5. Fingerspit 6. Eyes ; Smiles 7. Pendulum Man