Airing on ABC primetime from 1974-1982 and seen by millions, BARNEY MILLER is a situation comedy television series set in a NYC police station in Greenwich Village. Captain Barney Miller (Hal Linden)...
The boys of the 12th Precinct are back on the case in BARNEY MILLER: SEASON 5! The down-to-earth detectives of New York City's Greenwich Village, led by Captain Barney Miller, have seen their share...
A cop show hailed for both it's inspired lunacy and remarkable realism, Emmy Award-winning Barney Miller is a humanistic and comical look into the daily grind of a police squad in New York's...
The boys of the 12th Precinct are reporting for duty once again in BARNEY MILLER: SEASON SIX! Captain Barney Miller and his squad of Greenwich Village detectives return for 22 more episodes filled...
The detectives of the 12th Precinct work their last shift. An Emmy½ Award-winning comedy classic comes to an end in Barney Miller: The Final Season. Acclaimed throughout it's eight-season run, Barney...