Bartell,Jaye Loyalty CD1. Lilly 2. Come See 3. Dance with Me 4. Forty-Five 5. He Can't Rise 6. Burgling 7. The Papers 8. Loyalty 9. Your Eyelashes 10. Oldest Friend
Bartell,Jaye Light Enough CD1. G ; Me 2. Tuesdays 3. Laundry Line 4. The Burden 5. Light Enough 6. Into Quiet 7. The Worm 8. Wake on the Way Down 9. When I Arise 10. Ferrier 11. The Ceiling 12. Me ; G
1. G ; Me 2. Tuesdays 3. Laundry Line 4. The Burden 5. Light Enough 6. Into Quiet 7. The Worm 8. Wake on the Way Down 9. When I Arise 10. Ferrier 11. The Ceiling 12. Me ; G