Moving the backstory of the 1960 Hitchcock classic "Psycho" to the modern era, this inventive prequel series follows the saga of recently widowed Norma Bates (Vera Farmiga) and her teenage son Norman...
One of the most infamous murder locations in history re-opens under new management in the chilling Bates Motel. To Alex West (Bud Cort), Norman Bates was the father he never had. So after spending 27...
From Executive Producers Carlton Cuse (Lost) and Kerry Ehrin (Friday Night Lights), Bates Motel delves into the twisted relationship between serial killer-to-be, Norman Bates (Freddie Highmore), and...
CHOPPER ONE is a fast-paced action series set over the skies of Los Angeles. Don (Jim McMullan) and Gil (Dirk Benedict, "The A-Team") fly over the City of Angels, going places no police car can go...
Executive produced by Emmy and Golden Globe winner Frank Spotnitz, Ransom follows crisis and hostage negotiator Eric Beaumont, whose team is brought in to save lives when no one else can. Beaumont...